time tracking

DeskEye Time Tracking Guide: Explain TIME TRACKING to your Employees

It is saying that “time is money” so it’s important to get the most out of your work time, which is probably why you use time tracking to keep up with your employees.

The most common reasons for employee monitoring are productivity and attendance tracking, as well as preventing misuse of the company’s work hours.

Time tracking is so common today, yet office workers still consider time tracking as their enemy. But the truth is that time tracking is not the enemy, it’s just a misunderstanding between employees and management.

Time tracking is useful for both management and employees when used correctly and for the right reasons.  Problem? How to explain the software to the team so that it doesn’t look like a spy tool.

We’ve collected some key points that you can use to explain the use of DeskEye to your team:

1. Productivity Feedback

Knowing where work time was spent is the number one reason to use DeskEye. Each employee has access to their profile, where they can see where their time is spent during the day. This way, everyone can make more informed decisions about their daily tasks. For example, if you find yourself dealing with mails most of the time, you might consider making changes to your mail management system.

2. Save Time   

Using DeskEye, you can save time for your employees. How? People no longer have to manually fill out timesheets. One study found that at the end of the week, most employees do not remember what they did during the week, so their timesheets are mostly assumptions and therefore meaningless.

Not only DeskEye is more accurate, but it also works automatically, so no one has to spend Saturday nights remembering what they did during the week.

3. Hard work is Rewarded

Everyone has that colleague who shows up at work and spends the day on social media. Not only it is wrong for hard-working employees, but seeing someone who is openly slack off can be a huge blow to the team’s motivation.

DeskEye is built in a way that highlights edge cases so that issues can be addressed before they get worse. DeskEye not only helps you identify problematic employees but also highlights the most productive employees so that everyone can make sure their hard work doesn’t go unrewarded.

4. Makes Everyone Responsible

By using time tracking, everyone is accountable and everyone’s work is transparent. However, if you feel that a team member is not up to par, you can understand why. Maybe it’s because all they do is browse social media all the time or it might take them longer to do smaller tasks.

DeskEye’s time tracking tool helps you find out if time is right or not. Set priorities for your team, then make sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to be doing.

How to use DeskEye correctly    

As an employer, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Respect your employees. Nobody likes when the boss gasps on their neck. Work with your employees and don’t scold them by showing time tracking stats in every situation.

Here are a few things to make sure your employees know:

Breaks are welcome

You must value the time of your employees, which means – allowing personal time at work. Research shows that people need to take regular breaks to stimulate mental activity, so if someone feels the need to take a break at any moment, they should.

Only pay attention to extreme cases        

DeskEye is designed to enhance the personal productivity of your employees. Thus, using the DeskEye does not mean being a slave to the clock.

Using time-tracking software means that things like being regularly late or spending half a day browsing on social media or watching on YouTube will be highlighted. In the end, it will help the whole company to be aware of this inefficiency.

Employers are human, too   

Nothing is black and white, so there is always a personal approach in mind when looking at statistics. As an employer, don’t judge too quickly. Understand that a personal analysis of any situation is required before making a judgment. Talk to your employees, let them know they’re underperforming and find out why – before trying to fix the problem or take bigger steps.

Final Words

DeskEye won’t help you if you don’t trust your employees. Look: Time tracking can work wonders if everyone works as a team and strives for the best possible outcome. Meanwhile, it’s not efficient to think of it as a spy tool or to use a variety of situations to point the finger at someone. Of course, check the data every once in a while, but showing your employees you’re actively managing them is a great way to alienate yourself in the office.

Read this blog to find out more about employee monitoring.